12th SPPS PhD conference

PhD 101:
Everything is hard before it gets easy

27 - 29 September 2023 Lund, Sweden
Early bird registration ends on 31.05.2023

What will the conference be about?

The main topic of the 12th SPPS PhD Student Conference is the process of doctoral studies. Our speakers will cover scientific, formal and personal aspects of being a PhD student. You will be able to discuss your projects in smaller groups, share your experience and ask questions.

PhD is much more than just doing your work. It's hard to prepare for. It's a continuous effort with a high proportion of failures. It's unclear what are the perspectives. We are also trying to figure this out. Let's meet as fellow PhDs and share our research, thoughts and concerns.

We want to give everyone opportunity to discuss their work and find support in the network. That is why we decided to split the conference in 3 sessions, each representing yet another side of the PhD. It's impossible to cover everything, yet let's try!
  • Session 1

    Key speakers present main fields of their expertise, focusing on the methods they use to do their research. Choose a topic and join a discussion group lead by respective key speaker. In a short break you change the group and meet new people.

  • Session 2

    Experts in presenting and communicating science give short talks. You have time to roam between their stands to ask questions and get some useful tips. In the second half of the day it is time for you to present your work either in a talk or a poster.

  • Session 3

    More talks by PhDs and a panel discussion about different career opportunities after finishing a PhD with speakers working in diverse fields. They share thoughts and experience being in and outside academia.

We encourage you to talk and actively participate in every discussion. There are no stupid or wrong questions. We are all here to speak and find our niche.

Icons are provided by Tilda Publishing

Preliminary programme
  • 27.09.2023

    By 09:30 Arrival

    09:30 – 11:00 Registration

    11:00 – 11:30 Welcome speech

    11:30 – 12:30 Lunch

    1st session "Approaching biology"

    12:30 – 13:00 Talk on “Imaging & microscopy”

    13:00 – 13:30 Talk on “Bioinformatics & big data”

    13:30 – 14:00 Talk on “Proteomics & biochemistry”

    14:00 – 14:30 Talk on “Ecology & plant physiology”

    14:30 – 15:00 Afternoon Fika

    15:00 – 16:45 Group discussion with speakers

    16:45 - 17:00 Wrap-up and finishing the day

    End of the afternoon session

    19:00 – 21:00 Optional get together

  • 28.09.2023
    2nd session "How to..."
    08:00 - 08:20 Talk on "How to write papers"
    08:20 - 08:40 Talk on "How to publish papers"
    08:40 - 09:00 Talk on "How to visualize your science"
    09:00 - 09:20 Talk on "How to get PhD grants"
    09:20 - 09:50 Morning Fika
    09:50 - 11:40 Group discussion with speakers
    11:40 - 12:00 Wrap-up
    End of the morning session
    12:00 - 13:00 Lunch
    Participant presentations 1
    13:00 - 14:00 Oral presentations by participants
    14:00 - 14:40 Speed talks by participants
    14:40 - 15:15 Afternoon Fika
    Poster session
    15:15 – 16:00 Poster group 1
    16:00 - 16:45 Poster group 2
    16:45 – 17:00 Wrap-up
    End of the afternoon session
    19:00 – 21:00 Conference dinner
  • 29.09.2023
    Participant presentations 2
    08:00 - 09:00 Oral presentations by participants
    09:00 - 09:30 Morning Fika
    3rd session: “Life after PhD”
    09:30 - 11:00 Panel discussion
    11:00 - 12:00 Prize giving and closing of the conference

    End of the official part

    Excursion (TBA)
Session 1: "Approaching biology"
  • TBA

    Microscopy & imaging
  • Prof. Torgeir R. Hvidsten
    Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway
    Bioinformatics & big data
  • Prof. Stephan Wenkel
    Umeå Plant Science Centre, Umeå, Sweden
    Proteomics & biochemistry
  • Prof. Jan K. Schjørring
    University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
    Ecology & plant physiology
Session 2: "How to..."
  • Jannie Teinler
    Språkvetare, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden

    How to write papers
  • Dr. Delphine Gendre
    Journal assistant, Physiologia Plantarum journal

    How to publish papers
  • Dr. Meike A. C. Latz
    Science Illustrator

    How to visualize your science
  • Dr. Caroline Grabbe
    Research coordinator, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå, Sweden
    How to get PhD grants
Session 3: "Life after PhD"
  • Dr. Ruben M. Benstein
    Seed Enhancement Scientist
    DLF Beet Seed, Landskrona, Sweden
  • Dr. Klara Båth
    Vice President Agriculture & Food
    RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
  • Prof. Alizée Malnoë
    Associate Professor, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden
  • Dr. Meike A. C. Latz
    Science Illustrator

Pokeball icon created by Nikita Golubev on Flaticon. Unicorn icon is provided by Tilda Publishing


The only requirement for registration is you to be a PhD student in the field of Plant Sciences.
If you wish to participate as a speaker or present a poster please submit an abstract of your work (not longer than 500 words). We will forward information about the payment after processing your application.

We hope to see as many of you as possible but the total amount of participants cannot exceed 50 people. First come, first serve.

Click the button below to fill in the form.
  • Early bird registration
    until 31.05.2023
    1500 SEK
  • Last minute registration
    after 31.05.2023
    2500 SEK

Icons are provided by Tilda Publishing

Lund, Sweden
Lund is an old city neatly located in the south of Sweden in a close proximity to Malmö. The main city attractions are Lund University campus, Botanical garden, parks and Lund Cathedral. You can read more about the places and events on the official website.

Our conference will take place in the Medicon Village, a science park that brings together academia and industry and creates an environment for the idea development.
What's a pine tree's favourite radio station?
Anything that plays the poplar hits.
Tinkara Bizjak
PhD student, SLU Sweden
Who needs toxic relationship if you are doing a PhD?
Varvara Dikaya
PhD student, UmU Sweden
Where do flowers get their energy?
From the power plant!

Nadia Binte Obaid

PhD student, SU Sweden
PhD: This ride only stops in an emergency. Crying is not an emergency.
Laura Tünnermann
PhD student, SLU Sweden

Conference Partner Link:

Official Conference Link:

Title picture provided by Nabila El Arbi

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